July 16, 2024

Mitter Sain Meet

Novelist and Legal Consultant

  1. Link: http://www.tribuneindia.com/2007/20071015/ldh1.htm

:: http://www.tribuneindia.com/2007/20071015/ldh1.htm#10

(Monday, October 15, 2007, Chandigarh, India)

A keen observer of crime and politics 

– N S Tasneem

THE influences, which one imbibes during the adolescent age, seldom lose their impact on the mind. This is what happened in the case of Mitter Sain Meet (Goyal) who is now an acclaimed novelist. Born and brought up in Barnala, he received higher education in S.D. College, Barnala. During the period from 1968 to 1972, he was drawn to the movement that aimed at amelioration of the downtrodden. In 1971, he wrote his first novel, “Agg de Beej” (The Seeds of Fire), wherein he highlighted the conflict between a landowner and the landless labour. The novel touched the minds of the young Punjabi readers as it revolved around a significant situation in villages.

Mitter Sain Meet got himself admitted to Panjab University, Chandigarh, in 1972, for his law degree and stood second in the university. Earlier, he had attained the first position in Maths (Honours) and could take up teaching profession with postgraduate degree in this subject. But his father, who was in revenue service, advised him to seek admission in LL.B. He practised as a lawyer for a couple of years before joining the Punjab government service as the assistant district attorney. At present he is working as the district attorney in Ludhiana.

He entered the literary field with a novel but wrote short stories for quite sometime, which were published in leading journals. Over the years he published three collections of short stories, such as “Punarvas”, “Laam” and “Thhos Saboot”. In between he wrote another novel “Kaafla” (Caravan). But he arrived on the literary scene, with remarkable impact, with “Tafteesh” (Investigation) in 1990. That was the time when extremism was at its peak and terrorist activities in Punjab had cast a gloom on the minds of the people.

The success of “Tafteesh” made him popular among readers as well as critics. In this novel he points out the drawbacks of police investigative system which is mainly based on evidence, at times contrived. A few persons are falsely implicated so as to win laurels from higher authorities that the investigation has been successfully carried out. Shortly afterwards, in 1993, followed “Katehra” (Dock) that was based on judicial system that could not always ensure justice to the aggrieved party. As a consequence, the falsely implicated persons were disgraced and humiliated without any fault of theirs.

“Kaurav Sabha” followed in 2003 in which he delves on the theme of crime and punishment. The plot of this novel stands out like a sore thumb in the prevalent criminal justice system. The influential persons manipulate things in their favour as there are many loopholes in the legal process. This novel is a multi-dimensional one and it highlights the behavioural patterns of a large number of people. The plot alternates between the plight of the aggrieved party and the nefarious designs of the conspirators. The sufferers ultimately become the object of ridicule and the perpetrators of crime have the last laugh.

“Sudhar Ghar” (2006), the third novel of the trilogy, is undoubtedly the magnum opus of Mitter Sain Meet. In the prison, the falsely implicated persons are subjected to eternal damnation. Like Dante’s Inferno, the inscription at the gate is – ‘Abandon hope ye that enter here.’ In this novel the reader comes into contact with ‘God’s plenty’, but instead of ‘the more the merrier’, the situation is ‘the more the murkier.’ Generally the prison is like Milton’s hell where the souls, instead of the bodies, are consigned to the burning lake. The concept of human rights is unheard of at such places.

Mitter Sain Meet’s novels have been much hyped for being true to life portrayal. But his narrative mode, which is like miniature painting, is generally disregarded. Indeed he is always with the aggrieved party, without being sentimental. He is keen observer of the nexus between crime and politics in court cases. Undoubtedly he stands apart from his contemporaries in the field of true-to-life depiction. He dwells at length on the subjects hitherto untouched in Punjabi literature. His sole concern is the prevalence of disparity in society between haves and have-nots. He advocates for ushering in an era of social, political and judicial reforms so as to ensure happiness for the man in the street.

— N.S.Tasneem

::    http://www.tribuneindia.com/2003/20030119/ldh1.htm#12

                     (Sunday, January 19, 2003, Chandigarh)

‘Kaurav Sabha’ — a pun on judicial system
N.S. Tasneem

Ludhiana, January 18
The turn of the century has witnessed the publication of some very outstanding Punjabi novels. One such novel is ‘Kaurav Sabha’ by Mitter Sain Meet which does merit a place in the field of contemporary Punjabi novels. This is the third novel of the writer. He had earlier during his college days, written ‘Agg de Beej’. His first novel ‘Tafteesh’ (1990) is regarded as a modern classic in which the scenario of Punjab, during the turbulent days has been mirrored accurately. In the second novel ‘Katehra’ (1993), made a mockery of the system where innocent persons were charged with murder. The novel under discussion has also not deviated from the theme of crime and punishment. The novelist is aghast to see that the perpetrators of heinous crimes like loot, murder and rape go scot-free by resorting to dishonest methods while the victims are further humiliated at the hands of the investigating agencies and the officials of the law courts.

The novel turns out to be the protagonists cry in wilderness. The legal system is like a dead horse, no amount of flogging can make it deviate from its stand. It is like getting a thrill out of the sufferings of the victims. In the end, the protagonist manages to escape through the chinks in the armour of the legal system.

‘Kaurav Sabha’ is multi-dimensional as it depicts various aspects of the society in the background of a court case. The plot is complex and at times mind-boggling. It alternates between the plight of the aggrieved party and the nefarious designs of the conspirators. The reader is all the time sympathetic towards the distressed family but craves for natural justice.

There is no room for catharsis of any sort as the novel depicts man’s inhumanity to man. The sufferers ultimately become the objects of ridicule when the perpetrators of the crime have the last laugh.

The novel brings out that the sufferings are endless and the memories of the good old days ultimately recede into the horizon of oblivion. In the process of depicting human plight of such dimensions, the novelist has laid bare the contours of the ugly aspects of the so-called police investigation. This investigation is nothing but a sham process of hoodwinking the innocent people who suffer. The gainers are the criminals who part with hefty amounts, in the form of fees, from the top to bottom. The judicial system is flawed in many ways but more so when the moth-eaten laws are not even used judiciously.


Punjabi novel award for Mitter Sain 
Our Correspondent

Ludhiana, December 26
The Shiromani Punjabi Novel Purskar will be given to Mitter Sain Meet for his novel “Kaurv Sabha” for 2004.The award includes a shawl, a plaque , a citation and cash. The award will be given on December 28 at Punjabi Bhavan. The day coincides with the death anniversary of Sardar Nanak Singh, founder of Punjabi novel writing.

“Kaurv Sabha,” has been prescribed for students of Delhi, Kurukshetra and Guru Nanak Dev University. It has been acclaimed by scholars and readers.

(Monday, June 8, 2009, Chandigarh, India )

Meet the Meet 
S. D. Sharma

Description: Mitter Sain Meet

A poet and novelist of merit and a stalwart in Punjabi literature Mitter Sain Meet is regarded as the first literary exponent of the suffering humanity from the apathy of administration, atrocities of the police and above all, the due justice from judiciary.

Born in the sleepy village Bhotna, near Sangrur, Mitter Sain inherited the humility and purity of thought living amidst realities of a pastoral life. Gifted with imagination, Mitter emerged as the youngest writer whose two short stories were published in a leading magazine Bal Sandesh in 1968 while he was still in Class X.

He never looked back after that. Today, Mitter Sain, the district attorney in Ludhiana, stands tall with over half dozen books to his credit and best known in literary circles in North India for his prestigious Rashtriya Sahitya Akademy award in 2007 for his classic literary creation Sudhar Ghar (Jails). He was felicitated by Manju Jaidka, chairperson on behalf of the Chandigarh Sahitya Akademi on Sunday. Mitter Sain talked about his profession and passion.

A novel is a long fictional story about human beings woven around the events of their lives. What are the new dimensions in your writing?

Behind all literary creations there exits an emotional urge to express some heart felt experiences. When this urge comes to the surface, the truth is transformed in a suitable paradigm of words. The format may be poetry or novel. Away from the common themes of romanticism and dreaming, I have gathered the courage to bring into focus the socially relevant issues like the administrative laxity in administration and judiciary when it comes to jail reforms. I feel that any form of literature must depict the ethos, aspirations and problems of the suffering humanity.

How different is the thematic content and treatment?

All my short stories and six novels like Tapteesh, Agg de Beej, Kafila, Kaurav Sabha and Sudhar Ghar have immaculately depicted the evils perpetrated by the ridiculous attitude of the governanc and judiciary. My writings are just the observation of events witnessed during my service as a district attorney and articulation.

Being a part of the administrative system you have dared to criticise the governance. Any repercussions?

The senior IPS or IAS officers who have read my novels based on factual incidents give credence as these reflect realities close to daily life of law makers and law breakers and also the general public who are always at the receiving end. However, some leaders and terrorist outfits have threatened me after Katehra was published. But since my writings are based on my 18 years of research, it has a substance. The Research and Development wing of the police has even given me an award. Three of my novels have been translated into Hindi, titled as Ram Rajya by the Haryana Police Academy and prescribed as research work.

He later indicated that his next novels would bare the rampant corruption in politics, judiciary and the debasing power of money.

:: http://www.tribuneindia.com/2009/20090104/cth1.htm#12

 (Sunday, January 4, 2009, Chandigarh)

More accolades for Mitter Sain 
– SD Sharma

Chandigarh, January 3
Striking an amiable balance between his profession of a serving district attorney and the passion of a prolific Punjabi novelist, the modest Mitter Sain Meet has achieved another milestone establishing his literary prominence. Winner of the prestigious Rashtriya Sahitya Akademi award-2007 in novel writing for his classic literary creation “Sudhar Ghar” (Jails), Mitter Sain has not only glorified the Punjabi literature but also given altogether a new thematic dimension to novel writing. Away from the common themes of romanticism and dreaming, Mitter Sain has brought into focus socially relevant issues like the administrative laxity in administration and judiciary, ignoring the concept of reformation based on the psychoanalysis of criminals lodged in jails. While the award will be formally conferred by the President of India in February, Mitter Sain was in the city and shared his contrasting concepts with The Tribune after a ru-ba-ru organised by Writers’ Club at Uttam Complex here today.

Any form of literature must depict the ethos, aspirations, problems and suggestive measures of the people, debate the common issues in a subtle style without any prejudice to the society and the governance, he said. “All my short stories and six novels like “Tapteesh”, “Agg de Beej”, “Kafila”, “Kaurav Sabha” and “Sudhar Ghar” have immaculately depicted the evils perpetrated by the ridiculous attitude of governance and leadership,” he added.

When asked for his inspiration for writing, the Ludhiana-based author claimed, “My writings are just the observation and articulation of the anguish of many poor persons not getting fair justice in every sphere of life. Sahir Ludhinavi’s couplet “Duniyan ne tazarbaat-o-hawadis ki shakl mein, jo kuchh mujhe diya hai voh lauta rha hun mein” is a veritable summation of my concept, treatment and mission.”

On the impact of his socially oriented writings, he disclosed that three of his novels had been translated into Hindi, titled “Ram Rajya”, by the Haryana Police Akademy and prescribed as research work.

Born in Barnala, Mitter Sain was a brilliant student being a topper in BA (Hons) and medallist in LLB from PU, Chandigarh. Divulging his future plans, he indicated that his next novels would bare rampant corruption in politics, judiciary and the debasing power of money. Commenting on language and literature, he opined that good Punjabi literature, with a cultivated literary language, stimulated its growth, especially in novel genre.

     Rich expose of the legal underbelly 

                                                                                  – Dr. Jaspal Singh

            Mitter Sen Meet is an attorney based in Ludhiana. However, he has been thrust into the limelight as a Punjabi novelist, delineating intricate court practices and the decadence in the legal system of the country. Two of his earlier Novels Tafteesh (Investigation) and Katehira (Dock/Witness Box), dealing with the cumbersome court procedure and the dispensation of justice, were widely acclaimed.

            The agencies dealing with law and other and the state of judiciary are brought into sharp focus by Meet in meticulous detail. Now, his third novel, Kaurav Sabha (Chetna Parkashan, Ludhiana) on the same theme has appeared and it has caused a flutter. In fact, this particular novel is an exposition of the collusion of judiciary, prosecution (police), medical authorities and the politician to the deteriment of ordinary citizens of the country. The epigraph of the novel reads : “ Jo jitt giya so har gia/Jo har gia so marr gia.” (The one who has won has actually lost and the one who has lost is as good as dead). These are the words meant for the present –day all-conquering potentates. The victors and the vanquished have to pay a heavy price.

                        Maya Nagar (a pseudonym for Ludhiana) is the locale of this novel. The narrative pertains to a well-known family of money-makers- trading, industry and real estate being their areas of operation. The elder brother Mohan Lal is the first to settle in the city as a contractor after giving up job of a government engineer. He makes it big by resorting to all kinds of tricks of trade. Then he invites his younger brother Ved ( a municipal employee in a mofussil town) to join him in the business. Lady luck smiles on them.

Whatever they touch turns into gold. But then wealth has its own complications. After the death of Mohan Lal, his sons Pankaj and Neeraj, who are well-educated professionals, take over the business. But, as is usual, fissures appear in the family over the division of property and business interests. As a result the main characters take extreme positions. Mohan Lal’s sons engage a gang of Bihari criminals to eliminate their uncle Ved’s family. In an attack on their residence, Ved’s son kamal is done to death, his daughter Neha is badly mauled and raped, Ved and his wife Neelam are cruelly hit on the heads with iron rods—in a typically “Kale Kachhe Wale” style. On the basis of certain leads,the leader of the gang is nabbed by the police and eventually the prosecuting agencies learn about the nature of the conspiracy. Pankaj and Neeraj utilise all their links to wriggle out of this heinous plot. They have no dearth of money so they engage best criminal lawyers of the town who are very manipulative and utterly unscrupulous. They bribe the police up to the highest level and even try to influence the courts.

            At every step, the system reeking with corruption is dissected and exposed; at places torn to shreds. The police, the judiciary, lawyers, doctors, politicans, including the area MLA, and even the CM are not spared. A so-called cultural organisation with a covert fascist agenda is put to scrutiny and their functional opportunism is laid bare, holding them in derision before everybody. The frailties of the legal profession with all its recent vulgarisation are pointedly commented upon by the author.

               In fact, when Ram Nath a lawyer, one of the main characters in this tale cross-examination a rape victim he behaves like Daryodhana in the Mahabharata derobing Daropati. But when his own niece Neha has to appear for deposition in the court as a rape victim and is cross-examined by the opposing lawyer in the same manner, he is stunned and tightly holding his head in his hands, he curses himself for becoming a lawyer.

            Mitter Sen does not blindly haul one and all over the coals, he has a word of praise for the honest as well. For instance, the session judge, Sadhu Singh, is lauded for his sincerity to profession, but such persons became helpless when surrounded by a pack of foxes in the legal environment.

            The trickery and deceit of the wily lawyers using immoral subterfuges to secure a point are brought out into the open. But certain organisations engaged in social service are admired for standing by the victims. Being an insider, Meet’s understanding of the court life is exhaustive and meticulous. He brings out all the muck and squalor that has crept into the system in the last few decades. Kaurav Sabha has earned its own space in Punjabi literature as a biting satire of the contemporary life in the largest city of Punjab.

 Novel to expose nexus in jails
                                                               -Varinder Walia
Tribune News Service

Description: Mitter Sain Meet

Amritsar, January 25
Though it is not the Burail jailbreak that prompted noted Punjabi author Mitter Sain Meet to write a novel, but it will certainly feature in his voluminous work, “Warha” (captivity). The novel is meant to expose the alleged nexus of jail officials, politicians and public prosecutors.

After novels like “Tafteesh” (investigation), “Katehra” (the dock) and “Kaurav Sabha” (assembly of Kaurvas), Meet’s forthcoming multi-layer novel, which would be the first such attempt in Punjabi literature, is expected to expose the “rotten” system in which the affluent are able to avoid going to jail.

With an experience of more than 25 years as public prosecutor, Meet has “first-hand information” on drug mafia that operates in jail complexes with the alleged connivance of jail authorities.

On the reports regarding the comforts the alleged assassins of Beant Singh enjoyed in Burail Jail, Meet said influential persons getting such facilities had shocked the common man, and it would find mention in his new novel. Meet said the jails did not help in reforming the convicts any more.

Talking to The Tribune here today, Meet said a poor man could not expect justice under the prevailing judicial system, which required an overhaul, including amendment of the obsolete Indian Evidence Act, 1872.

He said he had been witness to several cases in which rich persons had conveniently hoodwinked the entire judicial system and could not be put behind bars due to “lack of evidence”. The only glimmer of hope was that certain judges, lawyers and even public prosecutors still heard the voice of their conscience.

Meet, who joined as Additional District Attorney in 1979, has not only watched the entire judicial system from close but also been part of it.

Brief Introduction
The original name of this author is MITTER SAIN GOYAL.Mitter Sain Meet is his pen name.Till now he has written 6 novels and three short-story books.Names of his novels are AAG DE BEEJ,KAFLA,TAFTEESH ,KATEHRA, SUDHARGHAR,andKAORAV SABHA.All these novels were origanlly written in PUNJABI.Now all these novels have been translated in Hindi also.The names of his short-stry books are PUNARWAS,LAAM and THOS SABUT.In the year 2008 he was awarded SAHITYA ACADEMY award by govt of India.He is the most read writer of Pbi.
He is a Law Garduate from Panjab Uneversity, Chandigarh.He retired as District Attorney in 2011 from Ludhiana.

Detailed Introduction

Mitter Sain Meet was born on 20-10-1952 at village Bhotna, a sleepy village of Punjab. His father was a Patwari. In those days Patwaries were frequently transferred from one village to another.
Till the age of ten, Mitter Sain Meet tasted the water of many villages and gained firsthand experience of the pathetic condition of small peasantry. Fed up with the frequent shifting of the family, his father decided to settle permanently in a nearby town Barnala. Due to scarcity of funds, the house which his father purchased was located in a Dalit colony. Mitter Sain Meet got a chance to spend his childhood with the most down trodden children of slum dwellers. He played, dined and slept with them. It further enriched his experiences. Many questions started disturbing him. Despite hard work, why these people are compelled to live like animals? Who is responsible for all this mess?
In 1968, he completed his Matriculation and joined S.D.College Barnala. In those days, Naxlite Movement was at the peak. Some of his classmates left studies and joined the movement became underground. Mitter Sain Meet continuously remained intouch with them. He understood the basic principles of Marxism, Leninism and Maoism from them. He got the answers and became a staunch supporter of the movement. Till today he is preaching that philosophy through his writings.
He did B.A.(Hons in Maths),stood 1st in Punjabi University Patiala. He was awarded GOLD MEDAL by the University.

Literary Journey
Barnala is known as Mecca of Punjabi writers. This holy land has given birth to more than 100 writers who have carved Hon’ble place for themselves in the world of literature. Mitter Sain Meet followed the footsteps of his seniors and joined the carvan.
First span of his writing
In the year 1970, while he wasl still a student of 10th class, his two short stories were published in the prestigious children magazine Bal Sandesh (this magazine was published from Preet Nagar and was edited by renewed short story writer Navtej Singh). After joining college he scribed more short stories which were published in the renewed revolutionary magazines such as Sardal, Siar, Hem Jyoti etc.
Agg De Beej
His first novel was published in the year 1971. It was published by Sh.Gursharan Singh a renewed revolutionary personality of Punjab.
Second novel was written in year 1973. It was also published after a gap of 13 years. It was also published in the year 1986 by Sh.Gursharan Singh under the banner of Balraj Sahni Yadgari Parkashan.
The short stories which were written by Mitter Sain Meet during the first span of his career i.e. during the years 1968-1973, were published in the short story book Punarwas.

Second span of his writing
After completing graduation he shifted to Chandigarh for higher studies. The shine of Naxlite Movement also started fading out. These circumstances compelled Mitter Sain Meet to suspend his literary activities.
After doing LL.B from Department of Law, Punjab University Chandigarh, he joined the Prosecution and Litigation Department of Govt. of Punjab, as Assistant Public Prosecutor. This assignment offered him an opportunity to closely watch the functioning of Criminal Justice System. He felt pained to note that this system was protecting the interests of rich and that the poor were at the receiving end. He opened his third eye and decided to expose this iron-curtain system after a gap of about one decade. He again took the same path and started expressing his anguish through short stories and novels.
Police is the first Agency of Criminal Justice System. Its primary duty is to maintain peace, to nab criminals, to collect incriminating evidence and to present its final report to the court for punishment to the guilty. In practice, it is doing the other way. Guilty are protected, innocent are implicated. To expose the ill-deeds of police and also the forces which are using police as a tool, he penned down his first novel Taftish. It was published in 1990. This novel was highly appreciated by the readers, critics and intellectuals. It became a classic of Punjabi Literature. Till today its 14 editions have been published. It is repeatedly prescribed as a part of syllabus by the Universities of Punjab. Firstly, Guru Nanak Dev University prescribed it as a text book for M.A. Punjabi course. In these days, it is taught to the students of BA-III, by the Punjab University.
Second Agency of the system is Judiciary. Its main function is to impartially access the evidence collected by the Investigating Agency to prove the guilt of the accused. If the accused is found guilty then he is to be punished suitably. If he is innocent then he is to be acquitted of the charges. But this Agency is also siding with the effluent class. False evidence is created by the police and it is believed by the courts to convict the innocent people. Legal evidence is destroyed to ensure the acquittal of the influential offenders. To high-light this high-handedness of judiciary Meet has written two novels.
In novel Katehra, he has successfully depicted, how, at the dictation of political bosses, the innocent are framed and sentenced to undergo imprisonments even of Death.
Kaurav Sabha
In novel Kaurav Sabha, he has shown the other side of the coin. How, money and personal contacts, ensure the acquittal of real culprits? This anti-people character of Judiciary is effectively depicted in it.
Out of these two novels, Kaurav Sabha received well deserved appreciation from all quarters of literary world. Till now, its six editions have been published. At one time it was taught as a part of syllabus of M.A. Punjabi from Amritsar (Guru Nanak Dev University) to Delhi (Delhi University) through Kurukshetra (Kurukshetra University). In these days it is a part of syllabus of MA Punjabi of Punjab University and of Guru Nanak Dev University.
Eminent Punjabi critics have written about 60 articles on this novel. One complete book Parsang Kaurav Sabha has been written by Sh.Amarjit Singh Grewal.
He has depicted the Exploitatiive and Destructive character of third Agency i.e. Jail Administration, in the novel Sudhar Ghar. Crime theories conclude that no one is born as a criminal. Only circumstances compel one to commit the crime. Criminologists suggest that with persuasion and corrective methods, even hardened criminals can be reformed and rehabilitated in the society as good citizens. The Jail Administration, like Police and Judiciary, has forgotten its basic duty. The prisons (sudhar ghars) have changed themselves to Bhagiarghar (ਬਘਿਆੜਘਰ) or Vigarghar (ਵਿਗਾੜਘਰ). Why? Sudhar Ghar novel has beautifully answered these questions. Like his previous creations, this novel has also got the attention of all concerned. In reorganization of its merit, Sahit Academy New Delhi awarded him the prestigious Sahit Academy Award in 2008. Up to now 6 editions of this novel have been published.
Short story books
He also has two more short stories books namely Laam and Thos Saboot to his credit.
In the first edition of Laam (published in the year 1988 by Balraj Sahni Yadgar Parkashan Amritsar) twelve short stories which were written and published during the period 1983 to 1988 were included. In those days his short stories included Virasat(ਵਿਰਾਸਤ), Khan-Puri (ਖਾਨਾਪੂਰੀ),Dehsatatgard (ਦਹਿਸ਼ਤਗਰਦ) and Laam (ਲਾਮ) were highly appreciated. Sh.Gursharan Singh @ Bhai Manna Singh based one episode of his famous serial Bhai Manna Singh on Laam. In the second edition, which was published in (2010) eight more stories, which were previously published in short story book” Thos Saboot” were added. In the recent edition of Laam there are 20 short stories.
First edition of this book was published in the year 1992. It contained eight short stories, which were written during the period 1989 to 1992. Now these short stories have been included in the recent edition of short story book Laam.


Meet joined the prestigious Department of Laws, Punjab University, Chandigarh. He did his LL.B. degree in the year 1976 and stood 2nd in the whole University. He was awarded Merit Certificate. In the year 1979, he joined the Prosecution Department of the Govt. of Punjab as Assistant Public Prosecutor. In the year 2006, he was promoted as District Attorney and was posted at Ludhiana. He served District Ludhiana as APP, Additional PP and PP for a continuous period of about 17 years which is a record. He was one of the few reputed Public Prosecutors of Punjab. He retired as District Attorney in 2011.
He has written 10 Books on legal matters. 1st book Pro-Prosecution Law on custody and Bails, is for the guidance of Public Prosecutors. 2nd, Tips on criminal law, for the Investigating Officers. Both these books have been appreciated by the Law Department and the Police Department respectively. First book was published by Mahatama Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration Punjab Chandigarh, an undertaking of the Govt. of Punjab. It was distributed free of cost to all the Public Prosecutors of Punjab Govt. Other book has been recommended by the DGP as a reference book for the Investigating Officers.
National Police Academy, Hyderabad awarded him a research project on ‘Pro-Prosecution Case Law‘. On the basis of this research work a book ‘Trial Management‘ was published. He has also published seven books in Punjabi to provide legal education to the common people.
His novels are not only the art pieces of literature but are also depicting various hidden aspects of the Society and the Criminal Justice System. Police Research and Development Bureau, of Govt. of India has treated these novels as a research work and has awarded its prestigious Pt.Gobind Balb Pant Award, 2008 to him.